Frequently asked questions.

Is this tree getting too big?

This is a tough one for us to answer as “too big” is subjective to the size of your property and proximity to any buildings. Generally speaking, growth of a tree is a positive thing and indicative of a healthy tree. However, sometimes trees start to interfere with your home, utility lines, outdoor structures, and swimming pools. If it gets to that point, we can safely prune limbs away from any obstructions.

When is the best time of year to prune?

The best times of the year to prune a tree depends on the species. Generally speaking the spring, fall and winter are the best times. However if you have dead or dying limbs it is important to address those limbs as soon as possible, before they become a significant hazard.

When is the best time of year to plant a tree?

Late spring and early summer are the best time of year to plant trees, especially during spring months that offer plenty of rain. Young, newly transplanted trees should get lots of water at regular intervals.

Is it OK to ‘top’ a tree?

Topping is only advisable if your tree has a dead top, otherwise this practice should be avoided. Topping is not an advisable form of pruning as it may cause damage and hinder future growth and possibly create a hazardous tree later, also increasing the cost of future maintenance.

Should a tree be pruned every year?

Most trees, with the exceptions of hedges, don’t need to be pruned every year. Best practice would be to prune a tree, at most, every three to five years and be sure not to over-prune the tree. When pruned properly, trees will be maintenance free for several years.

Do you work in the winter?

Yes we do! The winter is a great time for removals and pruning, in fact winter is the best time of year to prune certain species of trees. For customers who are concerned for their gardens we can work in the winter while the garden is dormant and less likely to be disturbed by tree work.